domingo, 15 de noviembre de 2020



Last academic year, the 8th of March, we celebrated in our school The International Women´s Day with a lovely activity called: Inspirational Women.

Every level, from Infant Education to the 6th level of Primary Education had to make a wallchart about one important woman in a field.

As a Coordinator of the Programme, I gave them the fields that they have to work on. For example, 3 years worked with “Education”, 5 years worked with “Sports”, the first level of Primary Education worked with “Literature”…

The wallcharts contained:

-       - The name and the sphere that she belongs to.

-       - A photo or drawing of the woman

-      -  A brief description of her life: they could use pictures, timelines, texts…wherever the wanted.

Then, the wallcharts were shown in the big hall of the school.

With this activity, we wanted to increase in our students the curisioty to know about woman that worked in different subjetcs. This activity promotes cooperation and participation among them. Moreover, we need to make aware about how women had to fight throguht the years so that we could study, vote, drive and so on.

And you say…why are you talking about this now, one year later? The answer is because I have used TimeToast or create a “timeline” as a summary of the different women.

This “timeline” will be shown this year , the 25th of November as a remember of those women that suffer discrimination and violence to reach their dreams.

The use of TimeToast is to easy and intuitive.

I did it on my way own, because , actually I am not working due to an illness. However, I find TimeToast very easy and intutive for children from higher levels (5th and 6th leve lof Primary Education).

The only drawback that I find it is that it implies to prepare,in advance the information: the different dates and, of course, images for every women. It is a hard job.

To sum up, I can say that I see TimeToast a very useful tool for using in the Hisctory Science classroom as a way of reflection and summary of the topics.

Here you have access to my timeline of “INSPIRATIONAL WOMEN”.


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