miércoles, 30 de diciembre de 2020




As I said in my last entry, I was looking at different blogs. The following activity is designed according to Sahman´s blog activity about emotions:


My activity is called “Colours and feelings” and it is done for Infant Education (you can also use it in the first stage of Primary Education).

The activity is a book created with the tool “Storyjumper”.

I am going to explain how you can implement this activity in your class, as a part of a project called: COLOUR AND FEELINGS.

-       Firstly, you need to activate the vocabulary about colours and feelings. I am going to propose you, three songs and a game:

SONG 1: About feelings : If you are happy and you know it claps your hands (feelings)


               With this song, you can prepare the vocabulary associated with feelings: happy, angry, calm, …

SONG 2: I see something blue


SONG 3: I see something Pink


With these songs, you are going to review the colours linked with objects.


I am a big fan of board games. There is a game that I love it: “El monstruo de los calcetines”, from “Haba games”. It consists of matching the socks that are from the same colour or with the same print. You can play cooperatively or competetively.

The first time that I used this game, I love the multiple possibilities you can find, so I decided to created one from my Infant Education classrooms:

We are sitting in a circle, and we need to roll up our trousers to show our socks.

There are two students that are choosen as “Monsters”, and these monsters have to catch children with socks of the colour said.

For example, we can use a dice with colours (you can buy in Amazon or any shop), a roulette (you can use the web WORDWALL to create one)…

We throw the dice and say aloud the colour: PINK! YELLOW!...

Our “Monsters” will find children with this colour in their socks.

They love this game!!!!

-       Secondly, we will start working with our book:


I recommend to work every day a colour from the book and make the following activities:

Identify the colours in our classroom and clothes.

Make a wallchart with different pictures or imgages about this colour.

Keep small things of this colour (blue, red, yellow…) in bottles to identify the feelings easily.


-       Thirdly, we are going to work with reading. There are some books that I recommend you about feelings and colours to complete this project:

                   The Colour Monster- Anna Llenas     

The Day the Crayons Quit- Drew Daywalt

These two books are very useful and common in Infant Education. I personally adore the second one: it is an amazing story about the meaning of colours, tidiness, feelings, solving conflicts…


Feelings and Darlings collection: Camille Childs

The ABC´s of emotions

Color my emotions

This collection of books are amazing for working with emotions: you have pictures for colouring, card games, an alphabet of emotions…They are quite complete.

Be Kind- Pat Zietlow Miller 


The feelings book- Todd Parr

  For finishing, I recommend you these two books: The first one is a warm and lovely story about how can we hurt others with our actions, the second one is to complete my “storyjumper book” about colours and feelings.


This project can be carried out in a term. Here you have an example:


Use the colours and feelings songs and the Storyjumper book to introduce the topic.



The Colour Monster: Make the bottles, play the game “Matching socks”…


The Darlings Collection: Learning the Alphabet, colour the emotions…games, songs…


The Day the Crayons Quit:Working around this story: working the topic with Christmas: How I treat my toys and materials?



I hope you like this entry and you can use it in class or at home.


2 comentarios:

  1. Hi there! I'm Celia from the course 'Innovative Teaching Practices Supported by the Focused Use of ICT Tools in the Language Classroom'. I have chosen your blog because it's really interesting and visual. Moreover, the blog is completed and the activities are well organised and motivating for the students. Thanks for sharing your ideas!

    Have a happy 2021 year!

  2. Hi there! I'm Celia from the course 'Innovative Teaching Practices Supported by the Focused Use of ICT Tools in the Language Classroom'. I have chosen your blog because it's really interesting and visual. Moreover, the blog is completed and the activities are well organised and motivating for the students. Thanks for sharing your ideas!

    Have a happy 2021 year!
